On April 30, Tesla revealed a home battery, Powerwall, that charges using electricity generated from solar panels, or from the grid when utility rates are low, and powers a home in the evening.
“This announcement is another big step forward the large-scale deployment of stationary battery systems,” said Dr Milan Rosina, senior analyst, Energy Conversion & Emerging Materials at Yole Développement. “Indeed energy storage is playing a major role in the energy transition currently underway.”
The “More than Moore” market research and strategy consulting company, Yole Développement, released last week its new technology & market analysis entitled “Energy Management for Smart Grid, Cities and Building: Opportunities for Battery Electricity Storage Solutions.” In this new report, Yole’s analysts propose a detailed analysis of the stationary battery market and an overview of the main players.
Decentralization of electricity sources has become possible because of improving technologies and falling costs for renewable energy installations and energy storage solutions. Decentralization and increased deployment of renewable sources have sustainable drivers: access to clean energy, CO2 emission reduction, nuclear hazard reduction, energy independence, clean mobility, and local energy production to decrease transmission and distribution losses.
With its latest technology and market analysis, “Energy Management for Smart Grid, Cities and Building: Opportunities for Battery Electricity Storage Solutions,” Yole’s team proposes a deep understanding of the transition toward renewable energy sources and clean electricity and the development of new battery technologies and solutions. The company analyzes their impact on the electricity business. The market research company also evaluates the expected movements within the value chain and proposes a deep analysis of the residential battery ESS regarding power and energy capacity.