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Q. What are the NEC requirements when installing MC cable in accessible attics or roof spaces?
See answer below.
A. Type MC cable installed in accessible attics or roof spaces must comply with Sec. 320.23.
Author’s Comment: On the Surface of Floor Joists, Rafters, or Studs. In attics and roof spaces that are accessible, substantial guards must protect cables installed across the top of floor joists, or across the face of rafters or studding within 7 ft of the floor or floor joists. If this space is not accessible by permanent stairs or ladders, protection is required only within 6 ft of the nearest edge of the scuttle hole or attic entrance [Sec. 320.23(A)].
Author’s Comment: Along the Side of Framing Members [Sec. 320.23(B)]. When Type MC cable is installed on the side of rafters, studs, or floor joists, no protection is required if the cable is installed at least 1¼ in. from the nearest edge of the framing member where nails or screws are likely to penetrate [Sec. 300.4(D)].
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