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2023 Top 40 Electrical Design Firm Rankings

June 15, 2023
Check out the Top 40 electrical design firms.

The good old days — and then some — returned to the electrical design world in 2022. After two years of subdued activity during the COVID-19 pandemic, electrical design firms appear to have gotten back to business last year, dusting off projects placed on hold and helping action-starved clients make up for lost time. Evidence of that big snapback comes from EC&M’s annual survey of electrical design firms that yields its Top 40 Electrical Design Firms ranked by prior-year revenues (see Rankings Table on page 16). This year’s Top 40 had combined reported electrical design revenue of $3.918 billion in 2022. That was 22.2% higher than the combined prior-year revenues of last year’s Top 40, which came in at $3.204 billion (based on 2021 revenue numbers). All firms but one reported higher revenue; the range was an increase of 145% and a decline of 7%. A year earlier, six of the returning Top 40 reported year-over-year decreases.

View the 2023 Top 40 Electrical Design Firms.