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Reducing Arc Flash Risks in Your Workplace

Learn how recent advances in high-resistance grounding systems enhance operational and product reliability through full-time monitoring.

This event was originally held on March 12, 2024
and is now available for on demand viewing.
Sponsor: i-Gard Corporation
 1 Hour

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The NFPA 70E standard focuses on electrical safety in the workplace. Annex O of the standard mentions various technologies related to Safety Related Design options. All the listed technologies reduce the impact of an arc flash after it happens. Only one of the listed technologies significantly reduces the probability of an arc flash from happening in the first place.

In this webinar, we’ll show you the key to effective risk management and explore the latest advancements in High Resistance Grounding that not only reduce the likelihood of an arc flash but also significantly reduce the negative impact it might impose on people and equipment.

 Key takeaways include:

  • Learn how the critical decision of system grounding directly affects electrical safety, reliability, and cost.
  • Understand how to make informed decisions on technology options.
  • Gain insights into the reasons why a High Resistance Grounding option significantly lowers maintenance and repair costs.

Join us to stay at the forefront of electrical safety and efficiency.


Sergio Panetta
Vice President of Engineering
I-Gard Corporation

Sergio Panetta is the VP of Engineering at I-Gard Corporation. Sergio is a graduate of McMaster University (BEng ’83, MEng ’97) with over 3 decades of electrical engineering experience in switchgear design, commissioning and troubleshooting, and power system protection and Power system grounding. He continues to actively increase awareness on Electrical Safety on a global front. Sergio is a senior member of the IEEE, member of the IET, and has been awarded Consulting Engineering status with the PEO professional body. Sergio is a member of several industry working groups such as the working group chair of 3003 (Grounding and Bonding which addresses standards like, 3003.1, 3003.2) Chair of C57.32a, Representing Canada for TC14, and, TC 64 for IEC Committees. Active member of P1584, P1814.  Sergio is actively dealing with electrical safety and best practices including CSA, IEEE, IEC, and UL, Sergio is the author and owner of several US Patents related to electrical safety.

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